"Can homeschoolers successfully navigate
the path to college?"

This question can be answered with a resounding "Yes!" It does take some advance planning and knowledge of the process, though. If you love homeschooling but need clear, step-by-step directions for the journey from high school to college, Homeschooled & Headed for College: Your Road Map for a Successful Journey, now in its expanded Second Edition, is the book for you. It walks you through the entire college prep process, from the beginning of middle school to the day you say goodbye to your new college student.
Buy now! Receive two FREE sample chapters, "Sharpen Those #2 Pencils: SAT and ACT Exams...and the Rest of the Tests," and "Information, Please: A Tour of a Typical College Application," by emailing us at contact@homeschoolroadmap.com
Countless “how to” tips packed into 440 pages will help you “de-stress” as you creatively design a strong high school program. You’ll discover how to use the middle school years to jump-start your high school planning, how to design customized curricula, and how to find materials, support, and sources for courses—often where you'd least expect them! After a tour through this book, you’ll gain confidence in keeping orderly records, calculating GPAs, and constructing professional-looking transcripts and portfolios.
You’ll become comfortable with these and numerous other college prep skills:
- Locating or designing honors and advanced courses
- Seeking out leadership opportunities that provide fun, growth, and positive attention from admissions staff—even at highly competitive colleges
- Preparing your student for college entrance exams
- Helping your high schooler navigate community college courses
- Tackling college applications and coaching your student through application essays
- Helping your student prepare for college entrance exams
- Gathering recommendation letters
- Scouting out scholarships and financial aid
- Planning a gap year if your student desires a time of exploration
- Leveraging the #1 college admissions secret, for which homeschoolers are excellently positioned
Denise has developed a comprehensive guide to help homeschooling families design and implement a rigorous college prep program. Homeschooled & Headed for College discusses academics, electives, testing, and documentation, and she walks families through all aspects of the college selection and application process. Denise's research and recommendations will save families precious time.

Homeschooled & Headed for College is the result of years of careful research and the real-life experience of launching two homeschooled students into college, with acceptances at public, private, selective, and Ivy League universities. Packed with tips and advice, this 440-page book (expanded Second Edition) will serve as your road map for every mile of the journey, from middle school until the day you send your student off to college. Cover price is $29.95, but order from this website for a discounted price of $26.99 (plus shipping and California sales tax, if applicable).
Buy now!Using Denise’s advice, tips, and clear, step-by-step guidance, our family was thrilled to see our son be accepted into his first-choice, top-level university. Though he was definitely a strong student, the application and admission process for homeschoolers seemed daunting and at times mysterious, with numerous unexpected twists and turns. With its organized curriculum suggestions and practical, detailed four-year plans, Denise’s book helped us navigate the path with confidence, and we are delighted with the results!
- Sophie H.The prospect of homeschooling from middle school through high school seemed like an overwhelming responsibility, especially when homeschooling was practically unheard-of to me back then. Moreover, the thought that the courses my children would be taking from then on would impact their college application process was quite nerve-racking. This book is a godsend to me and served as my resource and reference guide for many years. I have used it so much and highlighted so many pages throughout my homeschool journey that I can say it’s one of the reasons why I was able to successfully homeschool my children. They are now doing extremely well in top-tier engineering schools. Homeschooled & Headed for College is a must-have!
- Billie N.Got the college-planning jitters? This book is VERY comprehensive and will answer most, if not all, of your questions when it comes to preparing for college. Go directly to the table of contents and then start reading up on the topics that interest you the most. If you are ambitious, get together with a bunch of moms from your support group and talk about a chapter once a month. Don't forget to enjoy this journey with your young adult!
- Jere & Crissi A.Almost ten years after I used it with my own daughters, Homeschooled & Headed for College is still relevant—even with the ease of today's internet searches. With a plethora of information available, having it all in one place is so convenient. As a private school administrator serving homeschooled students, I keep several copies handy and refer anyone I counsel to it. It is an excellent one-stop resource, a trustworthy reference book, and—for those wondering if the college prep journey is even possible—an inspiration. Denise's clear and concise instructions will help you step by step on your journey.
- Angela A.
After being introduced to Denise’s book, I was relieved to find that homeschooling my high schoolers and sending them to college was no longer an impossible mission, but a feasible, exciting, and rewarding quest. Homeschooled & Headed for College helped guide our family step by step, from the middle school years through the transition to life as a college freshman. Though we were already emphasizing a rigorous academic course of study, the book expanded our family’s focus to include a variety of meaningful and creative extracurricular activities, internships, and even part-time jobs, as this is what truly highlights the passion and uniqueness of a college bound student. Words of inspiration, encouragement, and pro tips fill every chapter. I highly recommend having this book handy as soon as your students enter middle school. Armed with this resource, we were able to send both of our sons to their first-choice universities after garnering acceptances and scholarships from many schools, both private and public. Thanks to Denise's exceptional work, we finished our homeschool journey strong!
- Cindy P.Homeschooled & Headed for College was my trusted, go-to guide, as I nervously treaded and navigated the unknown waters of homeschooling my first child through high school. Not only did it serve as a ready reference for the nuts and bolts, but it was also a treasure trove of creative ideas for courses, extracurriculars, and leadership/service opportunities. Whenever I felt uncertain, I looked to it for encouragement and reassurance that I was on the right track. Homeschooling high school is an adventure of faith, and Denise’s advice was one of God’s provisions for me at just the right time.
- Grace K.This book was such a relief to me! I needed some information about the homeschooled student who was striving for, and had the capacity for, attending an upper-level university. The topics in the book are so well laid-out and well-written. I am grateful to have had this book at such a time in our lives. As of this printing, our older daughter has earned her B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology from Lewis and Clark College, while our youngest is pursuing acting and attending classes in Los Angeles. Homeschooled & Headed for College definitely helped reduce our anxiety level and gave us many things to consider so that we could plan our path.
- Sharron W.
The college application process is more complex than it was thirty years ago. Traditionally schooled students have access to professional college counselors to hold their hands through the process—and yet most of these professionals are not familiar with the unique aspects of the application process for homeschoolers. This book helped me, a homeschool mom, become my students' college counselor. Denise's detailed advice helped us prepare and present a challenging college prep course load and guided us through the details of preparing their transcripts, college applications, and resumes. I highly recommend this resource for homeschooled students who plan to apply to a four-year college.
- Kathy Y.Denise's book gave me the confidence to homeschool my son through high school. Because of his academic focus and skills, I wasn't sure I could prepare him adequately for those first-tier colleges and universities. But after reading her book when he was in 9th grade, I was able to plan out a challenging and exciting high school course of study that would meet his needs as an individual, and yet convince the college admissions officers that indeed our schooling would produce a successful and prepared college student. We saw the results in multiple admissions offers with handsome scholarships. Thank you, Denise, for the expertise and encouragement I received from your thoughtful and meticulous research.
- Michelle B.As a homeschool mom of a high school sophomore, I was overwhelmed when my son indicated that he was interested in going to medical school after undergrad. Mrs. Boiko's book helped immensely in information on AP classes, selective schools, and extracurricular activities. I have recommended this guide to all my friends, even those with children in seventh grade, because her book speaks to planning in middle school. I am so thankful to have gleaned so much from Mrs. Boiko's wisdom and research.
- Christie H.